be more you
in your
creative business.

build a dreamy, personality-packed business

be more you
in your joyful
creative business.

say bye to sunday scaries

be more you
in your human
creative business.

leave behind the shoulds

be more you
in your sustainable
creative business.

long-lasting strategy

be more you
in your confident
creative business.

believe in your superpower

be more you
in your successful
creative business.

build your ideal lifestyle

creative mentoring
for creative people

because you can love work without
making everything about work

You love your business. But even more than that, you love the life you know your business can provide. The freedom and flexibility of your time, the control over what you earn and what for, doing the creative work you love every day. You can see what you want from your businessโ€ฆ but are you there yet?

let's build your dream business

together we sketch out the notes..
you write the story

your mentor

Hey, Iโ€™m Cat! Iโ€™m a mentor for creative service providers to help you become a confident creative expert and build a joyful, sustainable business by adding MORE of you into your business instead of hiding yourself away.

A decade into running my own design studio, I am booked month in advance, working two days a week, consistently reaching my income goals and living the most joyful life with my business supporting me!

Iโ€™d love to help you do the sameโ€ฆ





the confident creative expert

A weekly email series that helps overwhelmed & overworked creatives to step into your expertise confidently to make bold decisions, become the go-to creative in your industry and build your dream businessโ€ฆ